Anthony Marion, Commercial Director

  1. Tell us a bit about you and your role at VC Innovations?

 I am usually one of the first point of contacts for our clients. In a nutshell, I hold the door and welcome you into the wonderful world of VC Innovations. If you are after one the most engaged community in Financial services, accelerated marketing, growth and fully integrated campaigns, I can help. 


2.     We will start with the assumption that you love all aspects of your job but what is the best bit?

Creating long lasting relationships and building trust with our clients & partners. 

 3.     How do you respond to the question ‘What does VC Innovation do – in 15 words or less

We help companies grow, smash their targets & connect with our community through truly bespoke campaigns.

 4.     What 3 words to VC Innov’ers repeat in their sleep

Why VC Innovations?

 5.     It’s Friday night (in normal times) –  do you: Grab a bottle of wine and turn on Netflix, head straight to the gym or grab that new outfit and head out to with friends?

Head straight to the gym and walk my dog.